Sunday, February 5, 2012

Three Treatments Conquered!

Meladee, Seth, and Naomi just before her first Chemo treatment!

It's been a month since last updated, and a lot has happened. Expect to see several posts over the next week.

First and foremost, Meladee has successfully conquered THREE chemotherapy treatments!! YEAH!!!

Round Two (January 12, 2012):

I discovered that plugging my nose and holding my breath is the best way to get through the nasty skunky saline. Well after telling the doctor about my experiences the first time, he gave me an additional anti-nausea drug that I can rotate with my other prescription every four hours. I also made sure to take it right away after my infusion and that made a difference. I only threw up a few times. Yay!

The port, an hour before chemo she numbs it with cream and has to cover it with cellophane.

The feed of the medications, and the previous mentioned Red Devil.

I also took Aleve and Claritin right away to help with the bone aches. That really helped. I still felt weak and wasted but it wasn't as painful as the first time. This time it took me longer to be able to get out of bed though. I kept having a problem with nearly passing out when I would try to walk more than like ten steps. And also for whatever reason my back would spasm when I would stand up and that was a little bit painful. I also got really bad mouth and throat sores. It hurt really bad to swallow and eat. Certain foods were worse and I could tell with one bite if I could eat it or not. Bland foods are still the best for now. I also can't taste food very well anymore and water tastes a bit like metal. Weird. Well some foods I can taste, its all just a bit different now. It's a bit like being pregnant how certain textures and smells cause nausea. But hey, I had been trying to lose weight, you know get back to my pre-pregnant bod, so I should consider this an upside!

The first time I also got these horrible headaches that kept me awake at night and luckily I didn't get those those this time around.

But I definitely started losing my hair. My head got so sensitive that just touching my hair hurt. As soon as I noticed it coming out in a chunk I decided to take a shower so that at least it wouldn't get all over the place. That was the itchiest mistake I have ever made. The longer I stood in the shower the more hair fell out all over my face and body and while trying to rinse it off more would fall out. After standing in the shower so long I was feeling lightheaded I had to get with hair still all over me. It's much easier to get the hair off when it's dry I've noted. Since it was so late I threw a hat on to try to contain the hair and went to bed. My sister came over the next day and we shaved my head G.I. Jane style. I probably should have totally shaved it but my head was so sensitive and I was afraid of cutting myself since I have to be careful about that sort of thing. But it's much more manageable even if it is still falling out all over the place.

G.I. Jane

Laura and Lauren (two of my sister in laws who are both due with girls the first part of March) had their baby shower on the 21st and I was able to go. It was the first day since my treatment that I had been able to be up and around. Roland drove me and it was nice to get out of the house. I wore a wig for the first time! You know wearing a wig isn't bad at all. It makes fixing your hair so easy. It's already styled and everything and looks fuller than my real hair. Maybe I will just convert permanently:).

Beauty in a Red Wig!

One of two diapers cakes Meladee made from her bed.

Round Three (January 26, 2012):

We also celebrated Naomi's third birthday. I can't believe my baby girl is three years old already. How time flies. Her birthday is on the 27th but we celebrated it on the 25th since I had my third treatment on the 26th. I had lots of help running the party which was nice. It was of course purple- themed since she adores anything in purple. The kids also got to go to bounce house called Kangaroo Zoo. Naomi had a blast and it was fun to see. I have some really incredibly cute kids!

Naomi's gift, a new kitchen, and Seth is enjoying it just as much!

After the third round, it took several days to come out of my Chemo funk. I can get out of bed for a little bit at a time now, but I think my body is starting to develop like an immunity to my anti-nausea drugs. Its so weird to feel my body so weak. And I can feel it affecting my cognition. I have to concentrate harder to talk for the first little while after chemo.

Meladee has an incredible support group. To give credit to her amazing relief society she wanted to share a picture of the beautiful quilt they made for her. She takes this quilt with her to every treatment, and finds comfort knowing the love and prayers that went into making the quilt for her.

And last but most certainly not least, here is a great picture of Meladee and Roland. They had a date night just before Chemo began, and this picture was taken while out to dinner!

Get Well Mel!!
We Love You!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it I highly recommend if you want a natural look. The color almost looks somewhat reddish to me. I personally purchased a lot of real human hair wigs and human hair extensions, human hair weaves,human hair u tip hair,human hair double tape hair from they are very natural looking. i got my hair so fast and it is absolutely the softest, most beautiful hair i have ever seen it is always smooth and delightful, the quality of the hair is wonderful, I got it cut by a professional stylist and she was very complimentary of the unit.
